Hiking Recovery Face Mask and milk bath Recipe

Boost your post-hike Recovery with this Homemade Milk Bath and Hydrating Face Mask

There’s nothing more indulgent than soaking in the bath after a strenuous day on the trails- you can make the experience even more special by having a milk bath whilst treating your face to a soothing hydrating treatment.


This recipe will be enough for 2 baths. Store the extra portion in an airtight jar.

You will need to combine the following in a small bowl using a fork (to get rid of lumps)

·     ½ cup Epsom Salt

·     ½ cup Powdered Milk

·     1 teaspoon Baking Soda

·     10 drops Essential Oil of your choice

·     1 teaspoon Honey

What you will gain from this treat….

·     Your skin will feel soft and supple (thanks to the fat and protein in the milk)

·     It’s a natural exfoliant for the skin. The lactic acid in milk is an alpha hydroxy acid, which will break down the dead skin cells so that they are removed as you bathe.

·     By adding honey to your milk bath, you get the natural antioxidants and antibacterial properties of honey.

·     The addition of Epsom salt helps to relax your muscles and naturally draws out toxins from your skin.

·     Depending on what essential oil you choose, the benefits are many. Use lavender oil for a calming scent. If you have a cold or allergies, you can take advantage of the healing benefits of eucalyptus oil.



Oats soothe and heal dry skin and cucumbers act as a natural toner with cooling properties. Prepare this super hydrating face mask by mixing 3 teaspoons of oats with 1 teaspoon of cucumber juice and 1 teaspoon of yoghurt. Apply the mixture on your face and let it dry completely before rinsing with warm water.

Jo Vartanian